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Last Year favorites

Writer's picture: Amos RavidAmos Ravid

2021 will be remembered as another year of living alongside Covid-19. No closures though and partial return to routine, but also without trips abroad and quite a few plans that have been postponed for now.

The positive side of this matter is many local trips and photography, discovering some new locations I did not know, and returning to familiar places, some of which I have not visited in years. Overall I can say that 2021 was definitely a productive photography year.

In the winters of the beginning and the end of the year I have done several forests photography sessions. I definitely plan to to do more of soon. Forests are magical in winter and I highly recommend everyone to take a walk in your near by forest on a winter day and enjoy this magic too.

Odem Forest, Israel by Amos Ravid Photography יער אודם, צפון רמת הגולן. צילום: עמוס רביד
Odem Forest, northern Israel is one of the most beautiful in Israel
Odem Forest, Israel by Amos Ravid Photography יער אודם, צפון רמת הגולן. צילום: עמוס רביד
Odem Forest, Israel in a foggy winter day
יער אלוני יצחק. צילום עמוס רביד
Alonei Itzhac Oaks Forest
יער אלוני יצחק. צילום עמוס רביד
Alonei Itzhac Oaks Forest

There have also been some great desert trips which I love so much and already plan to return to in the near future. here are some from the last year.

שדה הבולבוסים בהר צין. צילום עמוס רביד
Hard potatoes. First time I had nice sky in this uniqe location. Mount Zin, Negev desert
חווארי מצדה. צילון עמוס רביד
A cloudy sunrise at Massada Badlands
גב החלון, צילום עמוס רביד
The pool with the most beautiful vew in the world. The "Window" winter pool above the Dead Sea

In between there were a few other new and old locations that I really love. Some of them I have never visited, others havn't visited for years.

נמל עין גב. צילום עמוס רביד
The beautiful peaceful old fishermen port in Ein Gev on the Sea Of Galilee
צילום עמוס רביד
living on the edge. A uniqe tree with a beautiful vew I found in the western Galilee region.
טחנת הנזירים נחל ציפורי. צילום עמוס רביד
The Monks Mill. An old flour mill which was built in 1825 by a Carmelite monk in order to allow an available income for the Carmelite Order from near by Haifa.
צילום עמוס רביד
Underground Photography

Of course there were seascape photos, many of them. This is one of my favorite themes and I took advantage of the year to go back to few of my favorite beaches that each time look a little different and are never boring.

חוף גדור אולגה. צילום עמוס רביד
A triangle and a spiral. A long (3 sec.) exposure from Olga Beach.
שקיעה בחוף דור. צילום עמוס רביד
Eruption. A spectacular sunset at Dor Beach
שקיעה בחוף דור הבונים. צילום עמוס רביד
The Goden Hour. A selfie at Dor Beach
שקיעה בחוף פלמחים. צילום עמוס רביד
Crazy November. If you're looking for a spectacular sunset here, November is the month to be outdoors. Palmachim Beach.

How is it possible without a few sleepless nights with good friends, food, wine and ... even some photos. Already looking forward for next milky way season.

שביל החלב בנחל פארן. צילום עמוס רביד
Looking over the edge of the world. Arava Desert
שביל החלב במכתש רמון. צילום עמוס רביד
Dry Pool. The milky way over Ramon Crater.
שביל החלב מעל הנגב. צילום עמוס רביד
Stars Party in the Negev Desert.

That it for 2021. I had a lot of fun and will have fun again next year. Thanks to every one who took part in the experiences . There are lots of plans for 2022, just need to solve the math of putting them all in a limited free time. Nature is beautiful, please keep it. Have a great 2022 everyone.


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